Published 4 Apr 2024

A slice of pizza a day, that's what happens to your body

The slice of pizza, as many people will admit, is the ultimate comfort food, especially when accompanied by fizzy drinks or a beer. It is also a fairly versatile meal that you can consume on different occasions: a house party with a small group of friends, a quick bite during lunch break, something to bite into when you have a night out...

A slice of pizza a day, that's what happens to your body banner image

A slice of pizza a day, that's what happens to your body
A medium slice of cheese pizza contains 230 calories, 29 grams of carbohydrates and 8 grams of fat, 4 of which are saturated fat. To get an idea, consider this: The American Heart Association recommends that people limit their intake of saturated fat to 5 to 6 percent of total calories each day. Pizza therefore contains many nutrients, but excessive consumption is not recommended.



What are the benefits?

Here are some potential benefits associated with moderate pizza consumption:

Essential Nutrients: Depending on the ingredients used, pizza can provide a variety of essential nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins (such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K), and minerals (such as calcium, iron , potassium).

Source of Antioxidants: Ingredients like tomato and herbs found in the sauce may contain antioxidants that can contribute to overall health.

Supplementing Vegetables: Adding vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, spinach or mushrooms can increase fiber and nutrient content and provide a greater variety of nutrients.

Energy Source: The carbohydrates found in pizza crust can provide immediate energy, which can be useful for daily activities or physical activity.

Pleasantness and satisfaction: Pizza can be a very satisfying and satisfying dish from a taste point of view, helping to improve mood and psychological well-being.

Ibrahim Ghonim

Taste News

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